Holy heatwave, it’s suddenly July
Many things have taken me away from actually making things (except for my job-job) these last many months. I may write about them here when I can. For now, I can at least announce that I have applied to show my work at the year’s ArtsGoggle. Yea! Fingers crossed.
Outside Rompeola’s Cafe in Roma Norte, CDMX
Mexico City
I did get to take a much needed vacation last week to Mexico City. My love and I spent a wonderful week wandering and drawing.
First Tuesday
The thing that prompted me to actually hit the publish button on this post today (rather than combatting all the thoughts only to lose without posting): I am leading the First Tuesday at Stage West on August 1, 6-7:30pm. Here’s the description:
Surrealist Art Games for Everyone!
No art experience necessary. Looking to enhance your creativity, be more interesting at parties, or just have a peek into your own unconscious? At August's First Tuesday, our very own marketing director, artist Jen Schultes, will lead curious explorers in some art games. These techniques were developed by artists connected with the Surrealist movement in the 1920's and 30’s to get out of their everyday minds and surprise themselves with juxtapositions, connections, chance and absurdity. Through these inspiring parlor games we will learn to let go of conscious control and delight in the weird, wonderful, and inspiring results. Come and explore with us!
See you then?